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04 Sep 23

Bra­vo In­no­va­tion Hub: al via a Pa­ler­mo i pro­gram­mi di ac­ce­le­ra­zio­ne per l’in­gres­so sul mer­ca­to di 20 star­tup in­no­va­ti­ve

Due per­cor­si di ac­ce­le­ra­zio­ne “In­clu­sio­ne, im­pat­to so­cia­le e sa­lu­te” e “New ener­gy, green e clean tech” di Mi­mit e In­vi­ta­lia.
12 set­ti­ma­ne di for­ma­zio­ne, men­tor­ship e un con­tri­bu­to di 20 mila euro ad azienda.

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16 Aug 23

Estra, Nana Bianca e StartupItalia insieme nella quarta edizione di E-Qube.

Torna il programma di open innovation, nato con lo scopo di individuare e lanciare sul mercato le migliori proposte nel mondo energy.

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10 Aug 23

Most Influential CEO 2023 - Northern Italy (Sustainable Technology)

Our #CEO, Fabrizio Chiara was recognized and awarded by CEO Monthly as the “Most Influential CEO 2023 of Northern Italy in the field of Sustainable Technology”.
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29 Jul 23

Lighting Up The Future: 15 Italian Startups Shaping The Renewable Energy Sector

A look at 15 innovative startups in Italy, leading the transition to renewable energy, boosting sustainability, and driving technological progress.

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19 May 23

Fabrizio Chiara Has Invested €100,000 in Putting Sustainability at the Core of OOH Advertising

What are you building, and who benefits most from it? With the patented See Beyond technology, Sunspeker transforms any surface into a solar system, radically changing the concept of photovoltaic panels.

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14 Apr 23

Il Design Diventa Energia l’installazione di Coima Image al FuoriSalone 2023

Nel cuore di Portanuova, l’installazione della Piramide Dynamo Energies a cura di Coima Image trasforma il design in energia

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21 Mar 23

Intervista ad Alessandro Zerbetto, co-fondatore di Sunspeker, startup tutta torinese

Abbiamo avuto il piacere di incontrare Alessandro Zerbetto, co-fondatore di Sunspeker, una startup tutta torinese che coniuga innovazione, sostenibilità ed eleganza estetica grazie a un’intuizione rivoluzionaria per i pannelli solari.

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13 Feb 23

Painéis solares que se tornam outdoors

Uma startup italiana criou um adesivo totalmente reciclável que pode ser usado para cobrir painéis solares em telhados ou fachadas.

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23 Jan 23

Najważniejsze newsy (16.01-22.01)

Największa turbina wiatrowa na świecie wyprodukowała pierwszą energię

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18 Jan 23

Panele słoneczne niczym billboardy reklamowe. Proste rozwiązanie daje świetne efekty

Włosi związani z startupem Sunspeker wyszli ze stosunkowo nieskomplikowaną inicjatywą, która jednocześnie zaskakuje ogromem możliwości, jakie stwarza.

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06 Jan 23

Pegatina personalizable para convertir paneles solares en vallas publicitarias

Una startup italiana ha creado una pegatina totalmente reciclable que puede utilizarse para cubrir paneles solares en tejados o fachadas.

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02 Jan 23

Outdoor advertising on solar panels?

An Italian company has developed new technology that it says creates a fully recyclable graphic cover for solar panels that can be customized to create advertising billboards.

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26 Dec 22

Italian startup Sunspeker transforms solar panels into OOH advertising media

Sunspeker has developed recyclable, customisable graphic covers for solar panels

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19 Dec 22

Transform The Solar Panels Into Dazzling Advertising Billboards With A Custom-made Sticker!

An up-and-coming Italian startup has created a revolutionary, environmentally friendly sticker that is ideal for covering rooftop and facade solar panels. Not only does the sticker replicate high-definition images for aesthetic purposes, but it also transforms PV facades into commercial billboards!

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13 Dec 22

Tetto fotovoltaico estetico, da Sunspeker il primo progetto pilota

CDP investe nella startup nella prima edizione dell’accelereratore HabiSmart.

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12 Dec 22

Customizable sticker to turn solar panels into advertising billboards

An Italian startup has created a fully recyclable sticker that can be used to cover solar panels on rooftops or facades

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10 Dec 22

Fotovoltaico, Sunspeker ottiene finanziamento da Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Sunspeker, startup torinese nello sviluppo di soluzioni fotovoltaiche esteticamente integrate, entra a far parte del progetto HabiSmart.

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06 Dec 22

Da Cassa Depositi e Prestiti finanziamento di 115mila euro per la startup torinese Sunspeker

La startup torinese Sunspeker, attiva nello sviluppo di soluzioni fotovoltaiche esteticamente integrate, entra a far parte del progetto HabiSmart.

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18 Nov 22

Zerynth, round da 5,3 milioni. Sifted pubblica la lista delle migliori startup italiane

Le principali notizie della settimana dal mondo delle startup italiane

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17 Nov 22

Habismart, da Cdp oltre 5 milioni in 3 anni a startup proptech

Si è chiusa la prima call for startup dell’Acceleratore dedicato a proptech e edilizia sostenibile inaugurato nel quartiere tecnologico di Porta Nuova a Milano.

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17 Mar 22

Smart cities Dream or dystopia? Startups will have a big say on this

Once confined to science fiction novels or the minds of bored billionaires, smart cities will soon be a cold hard reality.

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